Part Number: DES-F1026P-E |
Data Cables
SFP / QSFP (plus) Cables
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D-Link 26-Port PoE Switch with 24 Long Reach 250m PoE Ports and 2 Gigabit Uplink Ports
Detailed Description
D-Link DES-F1026P-E switch is enhanced with 6KV surge protection. This effectively protects the switch against sudden electrical surges caused by events such as lightning strikes or unstable electrical current. Built-in 6 kV surge protection significantly reduces the chances of equipment being damaged from electrical surges, and effectively lowers maintenance costs by minimizing the need for expensive equipment repairs or replacement.With a flick of button you can isolate switch ports from each other, but still allowing the devices to communicate via the uplink ports. This feature not only adds security but can also effectively suppress network storms and improve network performance.